Megalodon tooth fossil- Model MEG1 - 11cm - Otodus...
Megalodon tooth fossil - Otodus megalodon
North Carolina USA
Fossil shark tooth
Scyphocrinus fossil: Sea lilies - 420 million years.
Scyphocrinus fossil: Sea lilies.
It dates from Silurian, 420 million years ago and comes from a large deposit in Erfoud, Morocco.
Very nice piece, the specimen is well detailed, in relief.
Scyphocrinus, paleozoic crinoids, are among the most well-known large pelagic crinoids. They are animals, not plants. Today there are still crinoids in the oceans called Sea Lilies.
These atypical animals were made of a very long stalk, like a long stalk attached to a root that floated on the surface like a buoy. They therefore moved to the sandstones of the current, feeding on organic particles suspended in water. in the Paleozoic, crinoids could form true underwater “prairies”. When he died, he could sink, sediment himself whole and then fossilize.
Weight: 3.5 kg. Approx. 47x31 cm.
Reconstitution of the Scyphocrinus (from Haude et al, 1994):
The piece has been broken and glued back together, as can be seen from the back
No shipping: too fragile
Megalodon tooth fossil - Otodus megalodon
North Carolina USA
Fossil shark tooth
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Mosasaur jaw fossil still in its gangue
65 Million Years
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Ammonite fossil - France
Jurassic period, about 200 to 145 million years ago
Genre: Reineckeia
Plant fossil: Pecopteris Fern - 300 million years old
From the Carboniferous of Lorraine
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Shark tooth fossil
Otodus Obliquus dating from the Ypresian: 50 million years ago
Scyphocrinus fossil: Sea lilies - 420 million years.